People have been clamoring for the Wendi Files but rather then burden everyone with endless tales of blood-curdling debauchery, I thought we could start off slow and just let her never-ending wackiness unfurl at it’s own pace.

Happy In Haarlem, NL

The Singer-Laren Museum, NL

The National Museum of Modern Art – Edinburgh

Riddles Close – Edinburgh

Krollen-Muller, NL


Charity Shop In Banchovy, Scotland

Cullen Bay, Scotland

The National Museum of Modern Art – Edinburgh

Enjoying the wildlife at Balmoral Castle


With Barney In Edinburgh

Castle Fraser – The Top of the Tower

Castle Drum – Honey, we’re home.

Welcome To The Vintage Market At New College, Durham, U.K.

Buddying up to Victoria at Kelvingrove Museum, Glascow

Albatross Imitation At Kelvingrove Museum, Glascow

A Pub In Ballater

Balmoral Castle – She said, “You know we could rent a couple and race each other?”

New Friends in FoggieLoon, Scotland


A Nap At Castle Drum
Wendi said she’d rest on the lawn at Castle Drum while I climbed the Tower. The groundskeeper came over and nudged her to make sure she hadn’t expired.
My favorite post! I just love that gal. Pleeeaaase tell me she bought the viking hat!