During this Infernal Isolation I have been unable to get close to friends, so I’ve been forced to make new ones. Although there’s not too much communication, I’ve found that Squirrels and Scrub Jays make fairly good, but somewhat limited, company. The squirrels seem to have only two expressions. The first is relaxed and adorable, a lot like puppies.

The second and more common look is “Caught in the Act”. These sneaky little devils are friendly but always seem to up to no good.

We are really drawn to the little Red ones. We have formed a bond with a pair of these skittish little rascals.

We’ve named the female Roxy and the male Rocky. Roxy won’t get too close, but is still hugely demanding. She will sit in a tree and squawk at us insistently until we put some goodies in her favorite spot. Although Rocky’s very nervous, once you’ve established a little trust he’ll take a peanut from you. Over time Rocky has become equally demanding. The little guy will sit on the rail and chirp at us in the kitchen until we bring him a treat. The two squirrels get along most of the time, but if Roxy gets a little too close to Rocky’s nuts all Hell breaks loose and they chase each other frantically all over the yard, all the time switching roles as the pursued and the pursuer. I think they must be married.

The Scrub Jays have only one expression and it’s way more nefarious. Every encounter with them feels like a stand-off as they give you that Evil Eye Stare. I’ve taken to wearing an amulet and reciting “no evil eye” three times to ward off any dark spirits.