Category Archives: Tourism

Plunder In The Tundra


Iceland is a small and very remote place, smaller then Washington State with about 320,000 Icelanders. By comparison, Washington has just fewer than 7 million. The country’s remoteness has created some interesting results. It has been said that the Icelandic language has remained so unpolluted that, with the exception of new words, early Icelanders could understand you today.

Incest Prevention

Incest Prevention App

Incest Prevention App

With such a small population in Iceland, most share common ancestors, and almost everyone is distantly related to each other. A genealogy database called “The Book of Icelanders” has been created. Worldwide, it is unique in its completeness. In light of the closeness of the population “Incest Prevention” is apparently a concern. Software developers have created a Beta version of an anti-incest app that can keep residents from becoming kissing’ cousins. The apps motto is ” Bump in the app before you bump in the bed.”

The Gods



 Since Marvel Comics have brought Norse mythology to the big screen most of us are somewhat familiar with the impossibly hunky Thor and the evil conniving Loki, but interest in the old Norse Gods doesn’t end with the movies. Icelanders will soon be able to publicly worship Odin’s entire clan at the first major temple to the Norse Gods since the Vikings pillaged the known world more then a thousand years ago. The domed 3,800 square foot Pagan Worship site began construction last January at a cost of about a million dollars. The temple, which will align with the sun and incorporate the Golden Ratio, is being built into Öskjuhlíð Hill overlooking Reykjavik and will house about 250 worshipers at a time for various services including marriages and funerals, but no sacrifices, animal or otherwise. Iceland has approximately 2,400 pagans, but for you Yankees out there, don’t be too quick to judge. Conservative estimates suggest that America has just under 400,000 pagans, making us the reigning champs in the pantheon of pagans.

SAD Cars



We rented online from SAD Cars. We assumed it stood for Scandinavian Auto Division or some such thing. We never imagined that it really meant “sad cars”. The car looked like a crime scene on wheels, as if an angry customer had attacked it with buckshot and a baseball bat. Grizzly, our stoner service representative, assured us that it ran great and a little vibration in the front end was nothing to be concerned about. The pre-rental damage diagram had so many circles, arrows and Xs on it you could barely see the illustration of the car. The only positive thing we can say is that we didn’t have to push it to start it. And we’re off.

The Blue Lagoon

Your flight arrives at 6am and no hotel will let you in until at least 2 or 3pm so most people spend the day floating around in the Blue Lagoon. Touristy? Sure. Spendy?  You bet. But, oh so comfy.

The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon

The Golden Circle

This is a nice one day circular route through SW Iceland that gives most tourist with a limited time frame a nice sample of the Icelandic countryside.

Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park

Strokkur Geysir

Strokkur Geysir – Geothermal Field in Haukadalur

Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park

Pingvellir National Park

Wreak-Ya-Vek (Hey nobody can it spell anyway)

I don’t know how else to describe Reykjavik except funky.

Leif Eriksen stands guard outside Hallgrimskirkja

Leif Eriksen stands guard outside Hallgrimskirkja

The Midnight View From Our Window

The Midnight View From Our Window

Corrugated Iron Is The Siding Of Choice

Corrugated Iron Is The Siding Of Choice

More Corrugated Iron

Corrugated Iron Is The Siding Of Choice



Sleep Deprived and Kind of Smelly.

Although we enjoyed Iceland a lot it should be noted that it’s not to everyone’s taste. The sun sets at midnight and is up again at 3am, but it never really gets dark. The bars in the capital don’t get hopping until 12 and don’t close until 4:30 am, which does make for a lot of drunken idiots roaming the streets all night. Which may account for the fact that, with the exception of tourists, we didn’t see anyone in the capital over 35 years old.

Oliver Maria Schmitt

Oliver Maria Schmitt

In a newly published travelogue, the German author Oliver Maria Schmitt is not impressed with Iceland’s weather, nature, geology, food or culture. He was especially annoyed with the inhabitants, which he characterized as depressing, disgusting and obnoxious. Oliver went on to describe Iceland as an island of death and gloom, filled with darkness and depression, as depressing as East Germany. High praise indeed. While disgusted with the stench of sulphur and the desolate landscapes, he was equally bothered by the weather, “An awful, endless storm which alternates between rain and snow, something which would suck the will to live out of any sane person. However, the inmates don‘t seem to care in the least”. He goes on to characterize the inhabitants as self-important idiots and whale-hunting retards. I am barely scratching the surface here as the disillusioned German traveler’s scathing comments go on for pages and I can assure you that not everyone appreciates the humor in the satirist’s remarks. Some prominent commentators on Icelandic politics and culture have referred to the Oliver as unfunny and insulting. Unfortunately, there is some truth in his comments, which makes the satire that much funnier.

Sunday Morning At Baggage Drop Off

Sunday Morning Baggage Drop Off At Keflavik Airport

Still tourism in Iceland has doubled since 2009 from 600,00 to 1.2 million visitors annually, but according to Jon Kaldal of Iceland Magazine, “We Icelanders are not likely to pick up any new bad habits from the hordes of visitors. We are already famous for our love of late-night revelry, promiscuity, and lack of discipline, to name just a few things that blight our behavior in general.”   Please don’t be dissuaded, Iceland is indeed barren but amazingly beautiful, with ever changing weather, seemingly designed for the rugged outdoorsman.   By the way the showers do smell like rotten eggs.

Loose Ends

As always we’ll finish up this year’s adventure with some of the loose ends that didn’t seem to fit anywhere else.

Air shaft in our Madrid hotel.

Air shaft in our Madrid hotel.

I find this clock emblematic of the kind of public respect you see in Austria. It’s only about 8′ off the ground, easily accessable to any passerby, it’s in perfect working order, the glass is unbroken and it is not covered in grafitti or dents. Amazing. Call me cynical, but I think in an outdoor public space is most countries you’d need an armed guard to protect this timepiece. Within a week it’s demolished frame would be dangling from a frayed cord.

Neumarkt train station

Neumarkt train station

The Non-Stop in Budapest is permanently closed.

The Non-Stop in Budapest is permanently closed.

McDonalds in Innsbruck, Austria

McDonalds in Innsbruck, Austria

Gerloczy Hotel in Budapest. I love this logo.

Gerloczy Hotel in Budapest. I love this logo.

At the Gardens in Salzburg everybody lines up to do this.

At the Mirabellgarten in Salzburg everybody lines up to do this.

Stress Points

Stress Points

I have no idea.

I have no idea.

Am I the only one who finds this shop a little odd? They sell brushes, nothing but brushes., but all kinds of brushes. They have house painting brushes, artists brushes, clothes brushes, horse brushes, make up brushes, shoe brushes, hair brushes, household scrubbing brushes, giant brushes and tiny brushes, floor brooms and dust brooms. Anything with bristles, but only things with bristles.

Brush Shop

Outside the Brush Shop in Budapest.

I love this fountain.

I love this fountain.

This is part of an art project at the Museum of Modern Art in Salzburg that creates awareness of the Honorary City Titles program in which the Nazi state gave honorary titles to certain German and Austrian cities for their support of the Nazi Party. In 1938 Graz, Austria was awarded the title of Die Stadt der Volkserhebung, “City of the Popular Uprising”, for their pro-Nazi demonstrations before the Nazi annexation of Austria in March of 1938.

Honorary City

Die Stadt der Volkserhebung, “City of the Popular Uprising”

The design evolution of the Nazi SS logo.

The design evolution of the Nazi SS logo. The slow progression from soft to sinister.

Hungarian FBI Most Wanted Poster

Hungarian FBI Most Wanted Poster

Thank you all for tuning in.  Auf Wiedersehen

The Most Beautiful Village In Austria

We asked our new Austrian friends, Hans & Angelica, if there was anything we had missed. They told us that we must see Hallstatt. In their estimation, it is one of Austria’s most beautiful villages, so off we went.



A very small town with a population of less then 1000, Hallstatt is situated on the southwestern shore of Hallstättersee. There is evidence that people have lived here and mined salt since 800 BC. The world’s first known salt mine is located on the hill above town. Hallstatt has been named a World Heritage Site and is amazingly idyllic. 



Hallstatt Town Square

Hallstatt Town Square


The Hallstättersee



Funicular to the salt mine, ice caves and observation point.

Funicular to the salt mine, ice caves and observation point.







Another Useless but Interesting Fact:

Chinese Hallstatt    Stock Photo

Chinese Hallstatt                                                                                                             Stock Photo

“A family walks in the Chinese replica of Austria’s UNESCO heritage site, Hallstatt village, in China’s southern city of Huizhou in Guangdong province June 1, 2012. Metals and mining company China Minmetals Corporation spent $940 million to build this controversial site and hopes to attract both tourists and property investors alike, according to local newspaper reports.” REUTERS/Trrone Siu

Check it out 


99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall

The Beer Man

The Beer Man

People come to Europe on extended vacations for all sorts of reasons. I read in Conte Nast about a man that spent months on the continent searching for the perfect Sachertorte. Another fellow spent his entire summer holiday seeking out every topless beach in Europe. Noble as these quests may have been, they didn’t inspire me. I came thirsty for a premium beverage. Alas, I never found the perfect beer. Try as I may, once I thought I had finally discovered the Holy Grail of Hops, that beer would be followed by one that was equally as good and most often even better. You can only imagine the pain and disappointment. Undeterred, I trudged on for hundreds of kilometers and four countries. I have tried beer on mountain tops where it was as cold as a well diggers posterior and at beachfront cabanas were it was as hot as Hades on a sunny day and I’ve come to the inescapable conclusion that the best beer will always be the next beer.

Beer1T Beer2T Beer3T Beer4T Beer6T Beer7T Beer8T Beer9T Beer10T Beer11T


More Useless But Interesting Facts

The Andy Kaufman Routine:

The highly repetitive and ultimately boring nature of “99 Bottles of Beer” means that only a child or a lunatic will actually finish it. Comedian Andy Kaufman exploited this fact in the routine early in his career when he would actually sing all 99 verses. Kaufman was deliberately provoking the audience. Once they realized that he actually intended to sing all of the verses, catcalls, booing, and sullen silence were common responses. Toward the end of the sketch, Kaufman would feign recognition that the audience was not enjoying the material, and he would leave the stage with only 5 or 6 “bottles” to go. At that point, the audience would begin calling for him to return to finish the verses.

“Infinite bottles of beer on the wall.”

Mathematician Donald Byrd wrote this song “Infinite bottles of beer on the wall, take one down and past it around, now there are infinite bottles of beer on the wall.” Repeat. “To Infinity & Beyond”.

I’ve got to go. 


The Wendi Files – Austro-Hungarian Version

For Wendi the Austro-Hungarian mindset is slightly different, a little less sunny then Spain, a lot more sober then Ireland, much more serious then Holland and considerably less frenetic then home, but still pretty silly and just as unpredictable.

At the Belvedere

At the Belvedere in Vienna.

Gargoyle imitation in Budapest

Gargoyle imitation in Budapest

Buddyng up to Lenin at the Momento Park in Budapest

Buddying up to Lenin at the Momento Park in Budapest

Overly concerned in Munich

Overly concerned about air quality in Munich.

Not happy with my windy day Gondola decision in the Alps. Nice Teeth!

Not happy with my windy day Gondola decision in the Alps. Nice Teeth!

Braced against the wind at the top of Grossglocker.

Braced against the wind at the top of Grossglocker.

Not exactly sure what's on the plate.

Not exactly sure what’s on the plate.

Never tell a lie in Vienna.

Never tell a lie.

Ready for a beer in Munich.

Ready for a beer in Munich.


Rattenberg, Austria


Elevator inspection in Budapest.


With a Tyrolean Hedgehog

Bottoms up in Budapest.

Bottoms up in Budapest.


After a great dinner at Gerloczy in Budapest.

Put the GD camera away!

Put the GD Camera away!

The Bavarian Shuffle


The first stop on our swing through southern Bavaria was Munich. It’s a big place, Germany’s third largest city, with a population of around 1.5 million. Although it’s an old city, 1158, it feels very young and is presently undergoing a huge facelift with new construction and restoration everywhere. Munich may be one of the most prosperous and fastest growing cities in Germany but it’s not all business, people are having a pretty good time here.

An afternoon beer garden

An afternoon beer garden

Reconstruction is everywhere.

Construction is everywhere.


The Lowenbrau Beer Garden


Candy Shop

The plaza was full of huge rolls of plastic straws. Art?

The plaza was full of huge rolls of plastic straws. Art?

Ice Cream Vendor

Ice Cream Vendor


Walking Men


The Olympiaturm was built for the 1972 Summer Olympics.



The Rathaus at Marienplatz

The Rathaus at Marienplatz

Marienplatz is the central plaza in the old town and like most everything in central Munich it is overfowing with tourists.



The Rathaus in Marienplatz

The Rathaus in Marienplatz

The Rathaus in Marienplatz

The Rathaus in Marienplatz

The Rathaus in Marienplatz

The Rathaus in Marienplatz

Probably the largest tourist attraction in Munich is the Glockenspiel located on the Rathaus in Marienplatz. Every day at 12 p.m. and 5 p.m in the summer mass crowds of tourists and locals fill the plaza to watch this low-tech marvel chime and re-enact two stories from the 16th century. Consisting of 43 bells and 32 life-sized figures, the whole show lasts somewhere between 12 and 15 minutes. At the end of the show, a very small golden rooster at the top of the Glockenspiel chirps quietly three times, marking the end of the spectacle.



Urban Surfing

The Grandstand

The Grandstand

Despite being many hundreds of kilometres from the nearest ocean, Munich has a reputation as a surfing hotspot, offering one of Europe’s best waves. The Bavarian capital is the birthplace of river surfing and has been the center of surfboard riding on a stationary wave since the early 70s. Up to 100 surfers daily hit the Eisbach wave in the city’s Englischer Garten. Munich has produced the best river surfers and has around 1,000 active surfers, while 10,000 people have tried it at some point. An annual surfing competition is held on the standing wave. 

Urban Surfing In Munich

Urban Surfing In Munich

Urban Surfing In Munich

Urban Surfing In Munich

Hans der Kunst


Hans der Kunst

Hans der Kunst - Closed Christmas & New Years

Hans der Kunst – Closed Christmas & New Years

Hans der Kunst was constructed from 1933 to 1937 as the Third Reich’s first monumental structure of Nazi architecture and as Nazi propaganda. The museum was opened on July,18 1937 as a showcase for what the Third Reich regarded as Germany’s finest art. The building’s original purpose can still be seen in such guises as the swastika-motif mosaics in the ceiling panels of its front portico.

Hans der Kunst - 1937

Hans der Kunst – 1937

Opening Night

Opening Night

We were there to see a great exhibition called “Mise en scene” by American photographer and filmmaker Stan Douglas.




The Lenbachhaus is a great museum with outstanding art and a terrific cafe. It was built as a Florentine-style villa for the painter Franz von Lenbach between 1887 and 1891. The building has been remodeled, modernized and expanded many times over the years but some of the rooms of the villa still have kept their original design.

Lensbachhaus Courtyard

Lensbachhaus Courtyard

Lensbachhaus Courtyard

Lensbachhaus Courtyard

Lensbachhaus Courtyard

Lensbachhaus Courtyard

If money is what we use to keep score then Gerhard Richter is an MVP. He held the auction record price for a painting by a living artist at $37.1 million until last November when the Balloon Dog (Orange) by Jeff Koons sold for $58.4 million at Christie’s, and knocked Richter off his perch. The museum has 8 large scale Richter abstracts and up close, they are amazing.

Gerhard Richter

Gerhard Richter 7′ x 7′

Ludwig’s Houses

Further south near the Austrian border we stopped by three of Mad King Ludwigs most popular castles.


Neuschwanstein Castle – Disney’s Inspiration


Hohenschwangau Castle

Alpsee from Hohenschwangau Village

Alpsee from Hohenschwangau Village

King Lugwig of Bavaria was an enigma. Even before he died, the king was already somewhat of a legend. He once told his governess, “I want to remain an eternal mystery to myself and others”. With his palaces the king built an ideal fantasy world and refuge from reality. He conducted no matters of state and strangers were barred from his palaces during his lifetime. Called the Moon King, he stayed up all night reading alone and slept during the day. Although engaged twice, Ludwig never married or took a mistress. His hugely expensive and eccentric interpretation of his role as king was ultimately his downfall. From 1885 foreign banks threatened to seize his property. The government viewed Ludwig’s actions as irrational, had him declared insane and deposed him in 1886. The very next day both he and his psychiatrist died under mysterious circumstances at Lake StarnbergThe shy dreamer palaces have been visited by over 60 million people since his death. Due to tourist revenue over the past thirty years these properties are now firmly in the black. It seems that tales of craziness, murder, deception and an obscene amount of money will work every time.

King Ludwig II

King Ludwig II

Linderhof Palace

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Construction was completed on Ludwig’s Schloss Linderhof in 1878. It is the smallest of the three palaces built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria and the only one which he lived to see completed. We took the tour and enjoyed every minute.

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof

Schloss Linderhof


Further south to Reutte, Austria we passed by Plansee, one of the lovelest lakes anywhere.







Spent the night at the Kroll Gasthof – Hotel in Wangle, Austria. A family institution since 1731.

Kroll Gaushaus

Kroll Gasthof – Hotel.

Good Food

Good Food

We finished the whole thing off on the top of the Höfener Alpe with apfelstrudel and a small dollop of whipped cream!

Höfener Alpe

Höfener Alpe

Coffee and apfelstrudel with just a little whipped cream.

Coffee and apfelstrudel with just a little whipped cream.

top |




Salzburg – “Mo” Town on the Salzach


The View From Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg

Salzburg, “Salt Castle”, is old, really old. People have been living here and mining salt in the region since the fifth century BC. The Romans expanded the settlement in about 15 BC but ultimately abandoned it when the Empire was collapsing. It wasn’t until Saint Rupert took over in the 8th century that things really started to happen. Rupert reconnoitered the river, chose the old town for the site of his basilica, ordained priests, built a house, named the city “Salzburg”, started evangelising the pagans and the rest is history.  Today Salzburg has one of the best-preserved city centers north of the Alps and was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.

Wolfie & the Missus

Wolfie & the Missus

Being the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Salzburg will forever be linked to classical music and high culture. It’s charms are undeniable, but like anyplace that both profits from and suffers under an unrelenting crush of tourists, it is, at times, a strange mix of class and crass. This is, indeed, an exclusive haven for high end classical music lovers who come from all over the world to listen to outstanding performances of Armadeus’ greatest hits. Unfortunately you may have to wade through some trinket and cheap t-shirt vendors to get to them.



The City From Mönchsberg












Sketch Bar at the Bristol Hotel


The stairs up to Hettwer Bastel


Galerie Ropac Thaddaeus


Appliance Store


A vintage Citroen at the Bristol Hotel






Austria100 Austria98Austria91 Austria88

The Sound of Music

Yes, indeed, the hills are alive with the sound of music. The region around Salzburg is the setting of the 1959 musical play and 1965 Hollywood film musical starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. The film went on to win five Academy Awards and solidified Salzburg in the minds of people worldwide. There are all manner of Sound of Music Tours available. You can quite literally follow every footstep a Von Trapp took while in Salzburg and the immediate vicinity. Wendi was like a doe caught in the headlights. 

"Doe A Deer A Female Deer...."

“Doe A Deer A Female Deer….”


Phone Home

For all you youngsters out there this crazy looking sci-fi transporter-like box below is a Phone Booth.

Austrian Phone Booth

Austrian Phone Booth

Now I know what you’re thinking, “that’s crazy, someone would just pick up the phone and take it home!”

Actually, this old school device is from an era when phones were attached to the wall and you couldn’t walk around with them. You had to go to a specific place, either in public or at home to use them. It was a time when cellular referred to the layout of a prison and Bluetooth was a dental condition.

Phone Booths used to be everywhere in America, although they didn’t look much like the industrial strength post modernist device in the picture. Every country road, city street corner, drug store and bus stop had at least one, sometimes whole banks of them. Yes, they were very impractical but it was all that existed in the way of personal public communication. They required coins and finding change on a deserted country road after your car broke down at 2am was not easy. You inserted the proper amount of coins into the phone and dialed the number.

Number? Yes, you know all those contacts in your phone, well actually there are numbers associated with them and you used to have to remember those numbers or look them up in a Phone Book, a large directory that listed every person and every business in a community, and was attached to the inside of the booth. This Austrian phone appears to be in perfect working order and still has its Phone Book in place.

Phone Booths have pretty much disappeared in America. In order to find one now you will probably have to go to places like South Chicago, East LA or Detroit, but even there they don’t work anymore. What they are now is an ongoing urban sculpture project by the defunct National Bell Telephone Network that illustrates our ever-expanding urban blight and out of control illegal drug culture. As an interactive art project vandals have been allowed, perhaps even encouraged to break the windows, rip out the phones, cover them in graffiti and use the phone books for toilet paper. And believe me it has worked perfectly. While in Austria, these lo-tech communication devices still look good and work great, in America nothing says slums, poverty, crime, danger and decay more effectively than our version of these little artistic gems.

America Phone Booth

America Phone Booth

Austrian Roadtrip

On The Road Again

As Americans we have a deep and abiding love of the open road. After three weeks in big city apartments it’s nice to be behind the wheel again and Austria is perfect for a roadtrip.

Hohe National Park

Traversing the park is the Grossglockner Hochalpenstrasse (High Alpine Road). Completed in 1935, it is considered one of the world’s most beautiful mountain routes. We drove a 50 mile loop that rose to 8,300 feet.

Austria14_1 Austria13 Austria12

The Pasterze Glacier disappears in the fog.

Near the peak, the Pasterze Glacier disappears in the fog.

The Road Through Tyrol

The road to Innsbruck took us across Tyrol. The green valleys, picturesque villages and stunning peaks roll out in front of you like a picture postcard come to life.

Austria69 Austria68Austria67 Austria66 Austria65 Austria64

Every town seems to have at least one Gondola. If it’s sunny, ride up and walk down. If it’s rainy, ride roundtrip.

Austria71Austria74 Austria73Austria75

Austria18 Austria16 Austria15


We stayed the night at a Gasthaus in Leogang that has been run by the same family since 1471, so we figured that they probably knew the area fairly well. The hostess recommended that we stop in Rattenberg, a restored medieval town that specializes in hand blown glass. We didn’t see it in any of our guide books and it’s no wonder, it is the smallest town in the country.




Many of the older homes throughout Austria display religious figures or paintings that I think are designed to bless the house and it’s occupants.

Austria39 Austria38 Austria34 Austria33 Austria35 Austria32 Austria30 Austria27 Austria25 Austria21


Austria37* Useless But Interesting Fact #417: Rattenberg sits in the shadow of Rat Mountain and can get pretty gloomy in the winter. In November 2005, the town announced they were building 30 specialized rotating mirrors called heliostats to reflect sunlight into parts of the town during the dark months. The EU planned to foot half the bill for the $2.4 million operation. However, the project was never implemented.


We had somehow imagined that Innsbruck would be a high end ski resort with hilly streets and exclusive ski chalets. Wrong! it’s about 20 km from the nearest ski slopes. Innsbruck is a big, beautiful and very busy city. It sits in the Inn valley beside the river Sill and is filled with thousands of tourists on a nonstop shopping spree.


Hotel Roter Adler

Stadtturm - 14th Century City Tower

Stadtturm – 14th Century City Tower




Goldenes Dachl, the Golden Roof, is an oriel window added in 1500 and covered with 2,657 glided copper roof tiles.


Austria48Austria60 Austria46 Austria42 Austria41Austria57 Austria52 Austria51 Austria50 Austria55


Makin’ Bacon



This store sells Bacon. Nothing but Bacon. Every kind of Bacon you can imagine. I was outside taking the picture, two men stood next to me and when they realized what the store was, their eyes glazed over, their jaws dropped and in hushed reverent tones they slowly exclaimed, in unison, Wow.

This store is to men what shoe stores are to women.

Now I know that Bacon, like all really great stuff in this world, is bad for you and that we shouldn’t eat Bacon, but I keep telling myself that this is European Bacon. It has to better for you then crummy old American Bacon. I’ve almost convinced myself, that over here, this is a kind of high protein health food.

The other day I had a Bratwurst wrapped in Bacon. I haven’t had a cholesterol hit like that in years. My body is still tingling from the excitement. At my age a threesome is Bratwurst, Bacon and Beer.

Austria63 Austria62Yum

Vienna – Top 10

The Great, the SoSo and the Run Like Hell

Before we got to Vienna we purchased lots of books about the city and it’s many attractions. Between these books and the many articles we’re read there have been tons of Top 10 lists. I thought it might be fun, for me at least, to review our most memorable 10. By way of a disclaimer I should point out that there probably isn’t anybody in the world that would agree with me. Even my wife thinks I’m full of malarkey.


The City

The Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) does an annual Liveabilty Survey. With it’s low crime rate, great transportation system, sophisticated culture and architecture, Vienna is considered the second most livable city in the world. A little crowded at times but still nonthreatening, comfortable and easy to get around, it’s packed with great things to see. We loved it.

Downtown Vienna

Downtown Vienna


Photo by Wendi

Photo by Wendi


Fiaker Photo by Wendi

Fiaker                                                                                  Photo by Wendi


These are to secure your dog while you are in the shop.

I don't think these things serve any purpose.

I don’t think these things serve any purpose.


A shout out to Bart

Vienna21 Vienna20 Vienna4 Vienna41

The Belvedere

Completed in 1723 as a summer residence for Prince Eugen of Savoy, this was the most ambitious building project ever undertaking by a private individual. It is now home to some of Austria’s greatest artistic treasures. We are here for the Secessionist Art and this is Ground Zero for that particularly Viennese art movement. This is the home of Gustav Klimt’s most celebrated work, “the Kiss”, and art lovers make pilgrimages here like they do to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Masterpieces by all the great Secessionist artists like Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka, Richard Gerstl and many more are on display, as well as all the great Impressionist. If you are an art lover this place needs to be on your bucket list.


It was good to be the Prince.

Vienna24Vienna26 Vienna25 Belvedere1

The Secession Building

This large, white cubic Secessionist building was opened in 1897 to mixed reviewed. Critics called it everything from a warehouse to a public restroom. The quality of the art it contained was never in question, most of which was looted in World War II. The building was finally restored in the 70’s and today is considered one of the finest examples of the Secessionist period. I loved the building, I only wished there was more art. The basement has a room specifically designed to house the completely restored 110’ long fresco of Gustav Klimt’s “Ode To Joy”. With the exception of this masterpiece and a few sparse and pathetic contemporary pieces on the first floor the building was devoid of art, but perhaps one masterpiece and an outstanding building, is enough.

Secessionist Building Photo by Wendi

Secessionist Building                                         Photo by Wendi

Owls were admired foir their wisdom. Photo by Wendi

Owls were admired for their wisdom.                                                               Photo by Wendi


Turtles were admired for their longevity

Turtles were admired for their longevity.

The Hofburg Palace

Have you ever been to Disney World on a holiday weekend? Paid a fortune to get in and then stood shoulder to shoulder in a hoard of humanity barely able to move. Now move the whole thing into an IKEA style rat maze. Replace all the products with a never ending row of glass cases filled with old silver, glassware and plates that you can’t get close enough to see. Then join an endless procession through a series of period rooms equipped with dress displays, dioramas and cut out figures as you try deperately to find the exit. Escape is futile.

If you want you avoid this, save your money and stay outside. The buildings, grounds and setting are magnificent.

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Lipizanner Horses

These Spanish horses were brought to Austria by Emperor Maximilian II in 1562. Encouraged by their beauty, intelligence and stamina the Hofburg’s Spanish Riding School was established in 1572. In the summer the Riding School does training from 10 to 12 daily in an old arena next to the stables.

Wendi is a Montana girl and as such has an affinity for horses and insisted that we attend so she could see these beautiful animals in action. We stood in a long line at 8:45 am and waited patiently to fork over our 16 Euros each to watch this sold out event. The pictures advertising the event showed peppy horses leaping and prancing and running and rearing back on their haunches and marching in formation. We braced ourselves for the excitement.

All I can say is that between the 1 ¼ hours in line, the two hour “show” and the ¾ hours in the cheap café, there are 4 hours of my life that I will never get back.

There was no show and as far as I could tell and no training unless, of course, watching various horses and riders slowly wandering aimlessly around the arena for 2 hours can be called a show. At least 2/3 of the audience had fled within 45 minutes.

Sure I’m a little cynical, but I didn’t need them to bring out the barrels and the clowns or do any calf roping, just a little something that resembled the advertising would have been nice.

All the pictures you see were shot stealthily as young attendants circled through the crowd informing everyone that picture taking was strictly “verboten”. I can understand why. You would hate to have unauthorized images of this breathtaking extravaganza circulating on the internet. I did a little quick math based on seating capacity and ticket prices and won’t be surprised if this little scam netted over 3 million Euros a year.

On a positive note, the arena was very old and interesting.

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Considered Austria’s finest Gothic edifice, “Steffl” suffered severe damage from WWII bombing. It’s rebuilding was a symbol for hope for the country. If you like this sort of thing, it’s an A+.

Stephansdom Photo by Wendi

Stephansdom                                            Photo by Wendi




Naschmarkt is the city’s largest market. The restaurant and food sections are opened everyday, but on Saturday’s local farmers arrive with their produce and a flea market sets up with hundreds of stalls. Needless to say, Wendi was, once again in heaven.


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 Time For Dessert

Oh yea, we love this stuff. You can’t come to Vienna without trying its most famous cake, the Sachertorte. Franz Sacher is said to have invented this chocolate cake, apricot jam and chocolate frosting concoction in 1832. We tried it twice to be sure, but unfortunately found it a little dry.



But oh, the equally celebrated Apfelstrudel with Whipped Cream was to die for. With a cup of good coffee, this is the stuff dreams are made of.



The Leopold

Located inside the courtyard of the Museumsquartier complex, this limestone cube is one of our favorite museums in the world. We were so intrigued that we spent two days at the Leopold just so we wouldn’t miss a thing. This outstanding building hosts a magnificent collection of Austrian art from the 1870s to the 1950s, including the world’s largest collection of Egon Schiele and a huge group of Gustav Klimt paintings. It is also surrounded by a courtyard filled with great restaurants. How can you go wrong?

The Leopold Stock Photo

The Leopold                                                                                                                        Stock Photo

The Leopold

The Leopold

Artists Tales of Sex, Betrayal and Untimely Death

Egon Sciele

Egon Schiele


In 1911, Schiele met the seventeen-year-old Walburga (Wally) Neuzil. Schiele and Wally wanted to escape what they perceived as a claustrophobic Vienna. They went to the small town of Krumau, the birthplace of Schiele’s mother. Despite Schiele’s family connections in Krumau, he and his lover were driven out of the town by the residents, who strongly disapproved of their lifestyle, including his alleged employment of the town’s teenage girls as models. They moved to Neulengbach where Schiele’s studio became a gathering place for the town’s delinquent children. The artist’s way of life aroused much animosity among the town’s inhabitants, and in April 1912 he was arrested for seducing a young girl below the age of consent.

When they came to his studio to place him under arrest, the police seized more than a hundred drawings which they considered pornographic. Schiele was imprisoned while awaiting his trial. When his case was brought before a judge, the charges of seduction and abduction were dropped, but the artist was found guilty of exhibiting erotic drawings in a place accessible to children. In court, the judge burned one of the offending drawings over a candle flame. The twenty-one days he had already spent in custody were taken into account, and he was sentenced to only three days’ imprisonment. While in prison, Schiele created a series of 12 paintings depicting the difficulties and discomfort of being locked in a jail cell.

In 1914, Schiele glimpsed Edith Harms, who lived with her parents across the street from his studio in Vienna. Schiele chose to marry the more socially acceptable Edith, but had apparently expected to maintain a relationship with Wally. However, when he explained the situation to Wally, she left him immediately and never saw him again. Despite some opposition from the Harms family, Schiele and Edith were married on June 17, 1915, the anniversary of the wedding of Schiele’s parents.

In the autumn of 1918, the Spanish flu pandemic that claimed more than 20,000,000 lives in Europe reached Vienna. Edith, who was six months pregnant, succumbed to the disease on 28 October. Schiele died only three days after his wife. He was 28 years old. During the three days between their deaths, Schiele drew a few sketches of Edith; these were his last works.


Richard Gerstl


In 1906 the 22 year old Richard Gerstl, then an Academy student, met composer Arnold Schonberg and asked him to sit for a portrait. Gerstl admired the older composer and viewed him as somewhat of a father figure. During this time the young Gertl met Schonberg’s wife Mathilde and began to paint portraits of her as well. During the summer of 1907 the relationship developed into love. Schonberg suspected the liaison and during a summer vacation in 1908 caught the lovers “in flagrante”. Mathidle left Schonberg and her children but was soon persuaded to return for the sake of society and her family. The depressed Gerstl was cut of from Schonberg’s social circle and on the night of November 4, 1908 committed suicide. Mathilde became taciturn and shunned her husband’s company from that day on. All of the young artist’s paintings were packed away in boxes and stored in a warehouse. In 1931 art dealer Otto Kallir discovered Gerstl’s work and organized an exhibit in Vienna.

This was the first time Gerstl’s work was ever shown in public.